Common Drugs of Use in Colleges

College is one of the most common places drugs are found, sold, and abused. For many students, college opens up the world of opportunity to try new things and have new experiences without the supervision of parents. Unfortunately, this includes engaging in risky behavior without fear of the real consequences. The rates of abuse of drugs on college campuses have more than tripled for certain substances, leading to both an initial increased tolerance and possible addiction later on.


A majority of the students who did not drink in high school will take their first sip while in college, and many will experiment with harder drugs like hallucinogens and so-called party drugs, risking a chemical dependence in their brain.


Although many drugs, regrettably, are frequently used by college students, here are the 5 most commonly abused drugs on college campuses.


1 – Alcohol: 9.9% of full-time college students aged 18 to 22 drank alcohol for the first time in the past year.


Alcohol is the most abused drug on campus, simply because, in many campuses, its consumption is part of the college culture.  Though alcohol is a legal activity for older college students, the typical freshmen is 18 years old, far below the legal drinking age.


Binge drinking has also become a popular habit on college campuses included in sporting events, celebrations, and in many cases of hazing. Binge drinking can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can then lead to death.


2 – Marijuana: nearly 50% of college students have tried marijuana at least once.


Although illegal in many states, marijuana as been the most popular drug in the United States, other than alcohol, for several decades. Mary Jane, bud, grass, and weed are just a few nicknames echoed around campus. Marijuana is widely and falsely considered a harmless drug, which is why it is so popular among college students.


Commonly used to relax or to mix in with the party scene, marijuana does have significant effects on the body. Negligence caused by the high of the drug, such as driving while under the influence or injury from lack of judgement, has taken a toll on college students and could result in severe injury. Relaxing the nerves and putting one in a sleep-like state is also common, turning responsibilities like homework and studying into a priority for another day.


3 – Prescription Pills: one study found that more than 60% of students with a valid prescription from ADHD medication were diverting it to other students without prescriptions.


College-level work gets harder for many as they move up a grade level, making it harder to focus in class and complete assignments. Adderall and Ritalin are very commonly sold and abused drugs on college campuses. These drugs are designed to block out the distractions in your surroundings and in your head, making it easier to concentrate and retain knowledge. Exam week is a popular time in which students scramble to find these pills that will supposedly help them study. Friends sell to friends until the word gets out, turning prescriptions into profitable sales.


Selling Adderall or Ritalin is illegal and can result in a fine up to $10,000 on top of 10 years in jail. Demand for Adderall keeps rising, and at an average of $3-$15 per pill, college students can make a hefty chunk of change that beats their minimum wage job despite the many legal risks. In addition, abuse of these prescription pills can lead to increased levels of anxiety and cardiac problems.


4 – Ecstasy: emergency room visits due to ecstasy have increased by more than 1,200% since ecstasy became the “club drug” of choice at all-night raves.


As raves and festivals grow in popularity, so does the use of “rave drugs,” with ecstasy being the most popular. Users claim the music helps intensify the feelings manifesting from the drug. In some college atmospheres, it has become as normal to take ecstasy at a festival as it has to drink alcohol at a bar. The harms of the drug, however, are equally, if not more so, intense.

As users feel ecstasy’s most intense sensations, referred to as “peaking”, their brain explodes with the release of dopamine, producing artificial and immense feelings of happiness. This, of course, goes downhill once the effects have worn off, influencing the user to take more to bring back these effects. Unfortunately, taking more of the drug will enhance the dependency of the drug once it leaves the system, leaving the body in a critical state of uncomfortable feelings and sickness until the withdrawal phase has passed. Ecstasy so completely drains the body of natural “feel-good chemicals” that many users experience extreme depression in the days after consumption. This depression is so severe that it can lead to self-harm.


5 – Cocaine: one study shows most users (69%) started using cocaine after college entry.


As the popularity and use of ecstasy has risen, cocaine has followed closely in its path. Cocaine is highly addictive and illegal in the United States. It is derived from the coca plant in South America and is portrayed as the rich man’s drug–from its expensive cost to its euphoric effects. One in four of those who try cocaine will become addicted in the duration of their lives.